Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology
C. Müller
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
, 2013-11-07
Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology
An excerpt:
In my "Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology," I gave a sketch of my views on the Astronomical Mythi of Grecian antiquity, in which I especially insisted on a strict separation of those legends to which the aspect of the stars had given rise, from the catasterisms of the Alexandrian school, which consisted merely in seeking out for some figure already traced on the sky, some fable or other story, by which an interesting interpretation and mythological reference was assigned to it. With regard to this process - the operation of which is clearly seen from the description given by Aratus of the sphere of Eudoxus, which contained, however, but little that was mythological - similar views have been expressed by Buttmann in his excellent treatise " On the Origin of the Constellations on the Grecian Sphere," which he read before the Academy of Sciences at Berlin, on the 8th of June, 1826. The principles which I then laid down have been confirmed by continued attention to the subject, only, at the same time, the circle of really ancient astronomical mythi has, in some regions, widened around me; in others, the original conception stands more distinctly before my view. I will begin by unfolding, in the legends regarding Orion, all that belongs to the Constellation; and I intend to treat also in the same way the mythi of Sirius, the Pleiades, and the Hyades.
Almost all the constellations which have furnished materials of any amount to the mythic poesy of Greece, are to be found in that division of the heavens which lies to the south of the Sun's path, not in the much larger space extending from the Ecliptic to the Pole. There Sirius, Orion, the Hyades, and the Pleiades, have their position nearly in a line: of these the Pleiades only are a few degrees distant from the Ecliptic to the North. Among the Northern Stars, indeed, the Bear or Wain, together with Bootes, appear early under those names, having chiefly served as guides to the Greeks on their voyages; for it was only in later times that they learned from the Phoenician mariners to take for their guidance the constellation of the Lesser Bear, which lies nearer the Pole. But there is no evidence that these designations had any considerable influence in the formation of mythi. The constellations known to us from Mythology, which, beginning from the sign of Taurus, and passing the Pole, proceed along the milky way, viz., Perseus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, and Cepheus, have certainly this peculiarity, that they do not first appear, like the Horse, Engonasis, Ophiuchus, and others, under names which merely denote the figure; but, so soon as we find them mentioned, already bear these mythological names, which, moreover, are all taken from persons of one and the same royal family. Nevertheless, these constellations were not known to Greek poetry before the time of Alexander, and no trace of them can be pointed out until they make their appearance on the sphere of Eudoxus described by Aratus. To me it seems probable, that by these names of heroes and heroines, who had a certain though only apparent relation to the East, it was meant to translate Chaldean appellations which may be borrowed from a similar fable in Oriental mythology. But that Perseus and Andromeda, and the characters connected with them in the Greek legend, were themselves originally sidereal beings, is a point that cannot be at all rendered probable. There is nothing in this mythic cycle which clearly and distinctly requires to be interpreted by means of Astrognosy. But with regard to the remark at the outset, the circumstance that the constellations of most mythological importance lie south of the Ecliptic, is perhaps sufficiently explained by this, that they are not seen in the sky throughout the whole year, but are at times invisible, whereby their appearance became doubly remarkable, and gave occasion to all manner of combinations....