Cratering Site Calibration Series : Close-in Ground Motion, Earth Stress, and Pore Pressure Measurements
出版Waterways Experiment Station, 1967
註釋The objectives of this project were to measure and analyze the particle velocities, soil stresses, and port water pressures produced by denotation of 20 tons of nitromethane in saturated clay-shale. The ground range of primary interest was 85 to 375 feet from surface ground zero with most instruments placed at shot depth (46.3 feet). Peak stresses were greater than estimated at the close-in locations (8,000 to 12,000 psi measured vs 5,000 psi predicted) and attenuated as the -2 power with distance. Particle velocities were consistently higher than predictions based on experience in other media. High amplitude transient pore pressures were produced by the explosion. Residual excess pore water pressures tended to drop off slowly with time.