註釋By inspired definition faith is ‘being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” By faith we are saved. By faith we are justified. By faith we please God. Though faith is central in the Christian life, we somehow are amazed when we see the vitality and power of faith at work in ordinary people’s lives. In each generation we see a special few men and women who have stretched themselves by risking everything on the sure promises of God. In the end they prove the faithfulness of their Master and challenge their own day to take their God seriously. Their stories are an encouragement to the next generation as they in turn join the ranks of that “great cloud of witnesses” who cheer us on in the life of faith.

Henry W. Frost bore eloquent testimony to his generation that God was willing to bear the responsibility for a surrendered life. What Hudson Taylor was to England, Henry Frost was to North America. His strength of faith and character gave stability to the fledgling North American branch of the China Inland Mission.

It has been said that courage is the power to let go of the familiar. If that is the case, the life of Henry Frost and his leadership of the North American China Inland Mission will be the most courageous biography you have ever read.