
Cracking Maths adheres to the content of the revised Primary School Maths Curriculum. The programme promotes real understanding of maths and key maths skills, especially in areas such as problem-solving.

This Teacher's Handbook is an invaluable and essential tool for working effectively with the Cracking Maths 2nd Class Pupil's Book. It includes:

  • Detailed planning support through the suggested fortnightly plans
  • Notes and photocopiable resources to support teaching and to guide learning
  • Three term assessments for teachers who want the option of more formal assessment
  • Useful additional photocopiable templates
  • Differentiation support through two photocopy masters for each unit -- one for practice and one for enrichment
  • Answers to all questions in the Pupil's Book and Practice Book

For an overview of the full programme, go to www.crackingmaths.ie.

TeacherZone at www.crackingmaths.ie provides you with access to your Pupil's eBook - Teacher's Edition, the interactive toolkit, sing-along times tables and other teacher support material. These resources are free to schools adopting Cracking Maths.