Kulturni genom
Prostor in njegovi ideogrami mitične zgodbe
出版Založba ZRC, 2014-10-01

As a biological genome determines our biological appearance, so too the cultural genome determines our cultural expression. This is a set of findings about the functioning of the universe and rules derived from them. When people verbalize these findings in a narrative, a mythical story occurs. A mythical landscape is a form of the cultural landscape that people created in accordance with their mythical conceptions that they could master the forces of nature with its help. From individual structures of the text fragments of Slavic folk traditions, a composite story in many versions is made, which explains the mechanism of renewal and describes the cyclical changes of the nature. People were using this mythical story as a mental model, which was materialized in specific spaces as spatial ideograms, which are discussed in the next part of the book (‘The cultural genome. Space and its ideograms of the mythical story’). In conclusion, the acquired findings are compared with the early medieval idol of Zbruč in Ukraine and a complete structural matching is established. The Zbruč idol shows a spatial arrangement of three realms of the universe, control mechanisms of these realms, a sequence of natural and life changes.

(Only a short English summary is added to the Slovenian text.)

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Tako kot biološki genom določa našo biološko pojavnost, kulturni genom določa našo kulturno pojavnost. To je skupek spoznanj o delovanju sveta in iz njih izpeljanih pravil. Ko ljudje ta spoznanja ubesedijo v pripoved, nastane mitična zgodba. Mitična pokrajina je tista oblika kulturne pokrajine, ki so jo ljudje oblikovali v skladu s svojimi mitičnimi predstavami, da bi z njeno pomočjo obvladali sile narave. Avtor iz posameznih struktur besedilnih odlomkov slovanskega folklornega izročila sestavi povezano pripoved v številnih različicah, ki pojasnjuje mehanizem prenavljanja in opisuje ciklične spremembe narave. To pripoved so ljudje uporabljali kot miselni model in ga v prostoru materializirali v  prostorske ideograme. Te z nekaj primeri raziskuje naslednji del. Zaključek pridobljena spoznanja primerja z zgodnjesrednjeveškim Zbruškim idolom iz Ukrajine in ugotovi popolno strukturno ujemanje. Zbruški idol kaže prostorsko ureditev vesolja s tremi svetovi, mehanizme nadzora teh svetov in vrstenje naravnih in življenjskih sprememb.