註釋Legendary curmudgeon and hustler extraordinaire Eddie Caminetti has taken on the Ryder Cup ("The Green"), unrepentant sinners ("The Foursome"), and the entire golf equipment industry ("Scratch"). But enough with the small stuff: In "Barranca," Eddie is called upon by the U.S. government to go after a South American economic terrorist threatening the only commodity capable of destabilizing the entire Western Hemisphere.
Yes, Manuel Villa Lobos de Barranca is out to corner the market on coffee.
When a grande (small) cup of Starbucks hits $20, riots break out in cities and towns all over America, worker productivity plummets, and the very fabric of society begins unraveling. But there's nothing the government can do about it because the scrupulously honest and upright de Barranca (Stanford, '96) is running his revolution without firing a shot or breaking any laws, which makes him the most dangerous subversive since Gandhi.
But he's nuts about golf, positively fanatic about betting, and that's where Eddie Caminetti comes in. Armed with only fourteen weapons of mass destruction (the most you're allowed to carry in your bag), he sets up a match against de Barranca on which hangs the very fate of Western civilization.
In the hands of master storyteller Troon McAllister, impending doom has never been more fun.