註釋Short story collection. ISSN: 1947-5349. See website - www.WapshottPress.com - for more details.Storylandia 1Kittycat Riley's Last Stand, by Kelly S. Taylor; Not Quite a Prince, by Kathryn L. Ramage; More Minimalist Fiction, by Lene Taylor; Road Kill, by Lee Balan; Sunday Mornings, by Colleen Wylie; I, by Chad Denton; Practice, by Anne Valente; Don't Stop Thinkin' About Tomorrow, by Kitty JohnsonCover: "Nacreous" by Hailaeos Troy, www.AntarcticPhotos.com.The Wapshott Press is now a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.Storylandia, Issue 1: And we're off!Phzad Marzaam was a nervous man. All seemed to be conspiring about him now to make him more nervous."Kittycat Riley's Last Stand," by Kelly S. TaylorAs the horse drew nearer, its rider caught sight of the wizard. How could such a notable figure, dressed in bright red and black robes, with long silver-white hair, be overlooked?"Not Quite a Prince," by Kathryn L. RamageThe old house on the edge of town looked even creepier up close. The car-full of teenagers peered out the windows into the gathering dark."More Minimalist Fiction," by Lene TaylorFrank had never been to a rave. It wasn't what he anticipated. He expected to see lots of young adults and teens, dazed and drunk."Road Kill," by Lee BalanSunday mornings have been a lot more interesting since Theo and I matured our relationship into a post-physical, economic and nutritional co-dependency."Sunday Mornings," by Colleen WylieFor reasons that he never found worth the investigation, Mike could not bring himself to take down the picture of Morgan that stood on the nightstand."I," by Chad DentonAs Johnson watched the ball glide through the air, he thought strangely of the national recession, the stock markets plummeting, and he did not know why. He watched the ball hit the rim, ricocheting like a bullet from a tin can, and bounce back to Henry's feet."Practice," by Anne ValentePresident of the United States of America and yet he couldn't weasel out of this one. It was just like Elvis. Elvis may have been King, but he had been reduced to removing his OWN TEETH FILLINGS just for a little codeine."Don't Stop Thinkin' About Tomorrow," by Kitty Johnson