Brothers Of Bethlehem

Lao Tzu said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." In the Brothers of Bethlehem, those initial steps belong to three boys from Bethlehem who track down the Magi the night those learned men reach Jesus. On that night, they meet the Son of God as an infant. Thirty years later as grown men, their lives intersect around a radical Rabbi claiming to be the Messiah. Their lives were blessed three decades ago; and now, they have the option to accept or deny a new blessing. In this engaging and enlightening journey of discovery, Logan Christopher Hudson weaves the themes of friendship, family and culture into an authentic portrayal of the circumstances surrounding one of history's most pivotal stages. The joys, blessings, pain, and guilt experienced by the main characters are for the modern day saints who believe that had they been in the presence of the Son of God, they would have stopped at nothing to be his disciple. While reading this spiritual account, the readers will be confronted with the choice to accept or deny a new blessing as they journey through the brothers' lives.