All In
註釋Brian Daulton and Martin Reynoso were childhood friends, who always did everything together. Brian was always more reserved and cautious. Then there was Martin, the over confident at times, almost arrogant one. After cleaning up in many online poker tournaments, Martin earned himself a place in a poker tournament cruise to Mexico. Martin persuades Brian to go with him. Martin cleans up in the poker tournament cruise, as expected. Martin has his usual hot hand. On the third day of the tournament, the cruise ports in Mexico for a land excursion. Martin and Brian take a short cab ride into Rosarito, to gamble in a local car house. Martin hits a cold streak and takes two markers from the house to continue gambling. After losing the two markers, Martin is in deep with the house. Martin and Brian are then presented with a proposition to work off their debt to Mr. Batista, a local mobster and owner of the card house. Martin and Brian agree to do a favor for Mr. Batista, which will clear their debt. Mr. Batista promised to take Martin and Brian to the border after they carry out the favor. Mr. Batista then frames Martin and Brian for murder. Martin and Brian are now on the run in a foreign land from a local mobster. With little options and time running out, Martin and Brian must make it to the border, so they can go home. Martin and Brian cross paths with a local cop, who makes them an officer that they cannot pass up. The officer offers to take Martin and Brian to the border, so they can go home, if they agree to take his young teenage daughter with them. The officer has family in Los Angeles, who she can stay with. The officer desperately wants a better life for his young teenage daughter. A life she will never have in Rosarito. Martin and Brian, who are desperate and without a choice, agree to the officer's deal. It is now a race to the border for Martin, Brian, officer Madrid and his young daughter. With every local cop on Mr. Batiste's payroll and looking for the two American gamblers, time is everything. Will they all make it to the border? Will they get caught? What will happen to officer Madrid for betraying Mr. Batista by helping The two Americans? Sometimes you have to go All In.