Step into the captivating world of "Reborn," where Mignon Samuels embarks on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and familial revelation. Five years have elapsed since Mignon stumbled upon the treasured journal chronicling the resilient lineage of women preceding her in "Reaching Back". Now, she stands poised to inscribe her own narrative alongside those of her foremothers.
Mignon's odyssey traverses pivotal moments in time, whisking her back to the genesis of her grandparents' union, replete with its own trials and tribulations-echoes of which resonate in her present struggles. As she delves into the labyrinthine annals of her family's history, Mignon unearths a clandestine truth, shattering the very bedrock of her existence. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a sinister specter looms-the enigmatic figure known only as "The German," whose malevolent presence intertwines with their lives unbeknownst to them.
In the crucible of revelation, Mignon and her kin confront unimaginable horrors, grappling with the insidious machinations of a predator lurking in the shadows. But from the crucible of adversity emerges a newfound reservoir of courage and faith, empowering Mignon to forge a path of transformation and redemption.
Experience the riveting saga of "Reborn," where the past and present collide, unraveling secrets long buried and illuminating the indomitable spirit that binds generations together.