Tom Horton - The Invisible Spy
註釋Tom Horton is The Invisible Spy in this fantasy adventure novella set in the 1980s.
Tom Horton is a man with a secret. Not being restricted by the constraints of gravity is just one of the secrets he has to keep. His ability is known only to a few, including the British Secret Intelligence Service.
Follow his adventure as he travels into adulthood to become one of their most prized assets.

Reader comments:
"An action packed love story"
"A really imaginative and entertaining read"
"The characters were awesome"

-By the time Tom Horton had lost count of the times he had been woken from falling onto his bed from a height, he had already known for some years that he was different.-
-As he sat there so many things played on his mind. He wondered if their friendship had led to this tragic event, if he could have done more to protect her as he flew into the room gun blazing...