Journey to God

We all are on the Spiritual Journey called the Journey to God. The journey starts from ‘I’, as various ego identifications, and gets completed when we realize ourselves- as we truly are.

A stage comes in everyone’s life, when not getting permanent happiness, after suffering in many incarnations, a Spiritual Awakening is there. We start looking for Spiritual Direction.

This book describes in detail the whole journey and how it matters to us.

Various Questions about life keep emerging. A small voice within begins to question:

Who am I?

who is God?

why God made the world?

what is my relationship with God?

what is the purpose of my creation?

Who am I and why do I matter?

The Search for the meaning of life then begins.

In many ways, it is the central struggle of every human life. And whether you are 7 or 70 or someplace in between, you need to know these.

The question, of who I am is the most profound and deepest question of all time; the first question in all philosophies. Getting to know the Self, and realizing it is the way to God-realization.

Though it took around 60 days to complete this book, it contains 60 years of my introspection on these soul-searching questions.

I have tried to share my knowledge on these questions responsibly, with several examples, stories, poems, experiments, inferred deductions, and Vedic explanations.

The book will surely demand sufficient attention and stretch of the mind in certain places to understand the subtle subject. The practice part of the knowledge gained thus- essential for complete realization, is covered in part 2 of this book. After realization, the journey is completed when we feel oneness with God and everything.

In that stage, as Vivekananda says, “I has all become and all is I. Oneness in all beings. All beings in self and self in all beings”.

That brings freedom from suffering and sorrow.

Journey with me, know about you and find the purpose of life.

The journey through this book can transform you from a limited ‘I’ to the Infinite Self. And you are already that. The book will try to bring up to your conscious awareness the things you already knew deep within but have forgotten now.