Prospects for Agricultural Development in Indonesia
註釋7. It is also shown that Java's rural economy is simply unable to absorb population growth without falling standards of living. In Chapter 11 it is illustrated that a solution of Java's problem requires that the 1,600,000 persons or 360,000 families added each year to its population should be absorbed elsewhere in the economy, into industries in Java or the Outer Islands, or into agriculture in the Outer Islands.
Only an effective policy of agricultural resettlement to the Outer Provinces and industrialization could enable Java to provide employment for its annual population increase. Such a policy, vigorously applied and accompanied by an adequate educational program, will give the government a breathing space to reconstruct the national economy. Then it might be obligatory for the government, in order to achieve rapid economic development, to persuade the population to stop looking on the maximum of babies as a 'bliss'.