Наследие земли Владимирской
монументальная живопись
出版Pamjatniki otečestva, 2004
註釋The frescos on the interior walls, arches, domes, and ceilings of churches in the Vladimir region are some of the oldest works of Eastern Orthodox art. In the first chapter the author surveys five sites mainly in the towns of Vladimir and Suzdal', where frescos of the twelfth and thirteenth century have survived. Well lighted photography and scrupulously reproduced illustrations show off the magnificence of the art. The second chapter concentrates on one of the peaks of Russian and world art: Andrei Rublev's fresco cycle at in Vladimir's Assumption cathedral. The third chapter covers thoroughly the works of the 1500s and 1600s, especially those commissioned by Ivan the Terrible in the churches he patronized. The fourth chapter probes the tension between the canon and the secularizing tendencies of the imperial period, when the baroque, neoclassical and academic style permeated even church art. A final chapter studies the Russian revival of the late nineteenth century, when archaizing works come into fashion. Focusing on one prolific region, the author gives an overview of Russian icon-painting from its Byzantine origins until the revolution of 1917 and the repression of the church. -- Summary written by John W. Emerich, Bronze Horseman Literary Agency.