The Needs of Older Women
Jacki Pritchard
Services for Victims of Elder Abuse and Other Abuse
Josep Rowntree Foundation
, 2000
Family & Relationships / Abuse / Elder Abuse
Medical / Health Care Delivery
Self-Help / Abuse
Social Science / Gerontology
The abuse of older people has been very much hidden until the latter part of the 20th century and is only now being recognised as an important social issue. To date emphasis has been on the development and implementation of policy procedures, but there has been little research into the characteristics of elder abuse victims or how best to work with victims of elder abuse.Of the older people studied for this research, 77% of elder abuse victims were female and this report focuses on their needs. The report uses qualitative research to consider the life experiences of the older women, including abuse in earlier life, analyses their past and present needs and looks at appropriate service provision. It also provides quantitative evidence which shows that:64% of female elder abuse victims were over 75 years old;66% of known abusers were male;statistics from the case study social work departments showed physical abuse to be the most common form of abuse (58% of cases), although the older women themselves identified financial and emotional abuse by family members as the most common.·[vbTab]The needs of older women looks at the views of older women, social workers and social care staff working with elder abuse. It uses their evidence to provide good practice recommendations. The author highlights the complex and long-term needs of abused older women and the problems experienced by workers. She argues that a more positive attitude towards older people and flexible multi-agency working are essential to the provision of effective services for victims of elder abuse.The needs of older women is essential reading for anyone working with older women or abused older people in all sectors - statutory, voluntary and independent - and policy makers and researchers working in the field of elder abuse. The report includes a useful chapter on methodology, which is vital reading for anyone conducting research into elder abuse. The findings will also be of relevance to those interested in child abuse and domestic violence.