The Cowboy Girl Annie
註釋Bag lady Cowboy Girl Annie knew life to be tough. She had adjusted to all her bad breaks years ago, because she always figured life was similar to a game of poker. She called what happened to her the luck of the draw and endured whatever bad luck came her way. It could be something as simple as the squeaky wheel on her shopping cart locking up before she'd made her rounds of the dumpsters. On the other hand, it might be something as deadly as getting the town's meanest gangster, Big Ed, mad enough at her to kill her. When she found out there was a bounty on her head, Cowboy Girl Annie tried to remain calm about her predicament. She acted like she could handle her problem with Big Ed even when her special friend, Skinny Jake, blustered to Big Ed about how Annie and him were watching each other's backs. Of course, Skinny Jake said that to Big Ed just before he suggested to Annie that they run as fast as they could in the opposite direction and find a place to hide.