註釋The human body is a biological machine that is composed of body systems, which are defined as sets of organs that collaborate in order to produce and maintain life. When we are researching about cells and molecules, there are occasions when we become disoriented and fail to recognizes the forest for the trees. When looking at the wider picture of anatomy, it can be good to take a step back and perspective. From this page, you will receive a brief introduction to the various systems that make up the human body. This will ensure that every organ that you learn about in the future will add a superstructure to the fundamental concept that you have adopted here. The skeletal system is made up of cartilage and bones. The skeleton is divided into two sections: axial and appendicular. The head and trunk bones make up the axial skeleton. The bones that make up the limbs and the structures that support the pelvic and pectoral girdles make up the appendicular skeleton.