Living at Light Speed
註釋Separating myth from reality, and fact from hype, Goodman examines the Information Superhighway from the perspective of the layman and shows what lies ahead. The working, learning, and living habits of the average American have already changed immeasurably in the last few years, as the world has taken the first steps towards establishing a global network. And the pace will only accelerate. Today's instant communication tools - answering machines and voice mail, cellular telephones, fax machines, and personal computers - will evolve overnight into affordable technologies that will forever change our personal communications with family, friends, and colleagues; will alter the way knowledge is gathered from the world's information resources; and refashion how we spend our time and money on entertainment. As the old world infrastructure disappears and day-to-day life becomes more demanding, the potential benefits of the Information Superhighway are great. But so too are the potential risks to privacy, security, and free choice. The sooner these issues are understood, the more control consumers will have in shaping the technologies and services of the future. Goodman educates readers to the promises and pitfalls of the Information Superhighway and provides an action plan - steps we can take today to prepare for the day that the Information Superhighway reaches our front door.