A Paradigm in policy making: the Horizon 2020 - 101004605 DECIDO (eviDEnce and Cloud for more InformeD and effective pOlicies) project

Policy making is the process of creating and monitoring policies to solve societal challenges. In this respect, it is often conceptualized as a policy cycle, consisting of several different phases, such as agenda setting, policy formulation, policy implementation & monitor and policy evaluation.

DECIDO is a project funded by the European Commission focused on “the use the European cloud infrastructure for public administrations” in the context of policymaking. The liaison between the adoption of the disruptive technologies in the public administration, and the methodology to follow each step of the policy life cycle using a citizen science approach relying on the co-creation, is the main achievement of the experiments executed in four European cities (Kajaani, Turin, Halki island, Aragon region) with the involvement of citizens, businesses, decision makers, associations.

This book highlights the outcomes, the recommendation and the lessons learnt collected during the development of the project that can be used as best practices in the policymaking.