Does Patriotism Stem from Cosmopolitanism, Or Vice Versa?Adam Smith and the Distinction Between Love of Country and Love of Humankind
註釋Does the love of country (patriotism) and the love of humankind (cosmopolitanism) lie along a continuum? One may suppose that the continuum is underpinned by familiarity. However, as Adam Smith notes, such a supposition leads to a puzzle. One usually loves more a distant than a nearby country, although one is familiar more with the nearby than the distant country. To solve the puzzle, Smith stipulates that the two loves are different, i.e., they cannot lie along a continuum. However, he does not explore the deep fissure underpinning the difference. This paper identifies such fissure. It is imperative to identify the fissure to differentiate between left-leaning vs. right-leaning patriotism. Left-leaning patriotism (populism) is linked to a universal principle that informs cosmopolitanism, while right-leaning patriotism (populism) is not.