Magi Adept

Fairies visit the Academy to teach the students, and build relations with the Magi.

But when tragedy strikes, Katy suspects the Red Witch is back.

And this time she means business.

With the infinite Aetheric Realm now being explored by the Magi, and relations with the Fae growing, a delegation visits the Academy to help teach the new generation of Magi.

Katy is fascinated by them, and befriends one of the visitors.

But when blood is spilt, relations become strained. But worse still, Katy suspects the Red Witch is causing trouble again.

As Katy struggles with her attraction to both Titus and Trenton, finding herself torn between them, she must find a way to stop the Red Witch and her latest fiendish scheme.

She must risk everything to stop the crimson ghost, before more blood is spilt, and an old evil returns.

This is the thrilling finale to the Aetheric Academy, and ends the latest chapter in the Magi Saga.