Core Values of Mathematics Education Contents

Mathematics can be characterized as an endeavor to discover the patterns hidden within nature. The math education content should be devised as a way of bringing out creativity within every individual, who each have a different unique talent, through the understanding of humanity and nature.

Mathematics is the subject dedicated to discovering the hidden patterns within nature.

Upon discovering this pattern, you can create something that provides happiness to people. Humans are part of nature. Therefore, the hidden patterns to making people happy must be embedded in the nature. Then, what are some of the things that can make people happy? People of today are lonely. They are waiting for something that can soothe their loneliness.

Smartphones are fairly recent example of an item that soothes people’s loneliness.

Also, people have thirst for anything that can extend their life span so they could live long and healthy lives. What are some of the examples?

One of those items is new medicines, that cure diseases that were previously impossible

to cure. Another example would be prescriptive tools such as MRI, ultrasonic waves and CT. Health and emotional issues are highly interrelated and all add up to allowing happy lives.

Every machinery or technological devices that bring happiness are included in the field of high-tech industry. Mathematics is a ‘source technology’ for all high-tech industry.

The level of a country’s mathematics skills is equivalent to the level of a country’s competence. Today, all first world countries have exceptional level of mathematics.

The most ideal math education is an endeavor to discover the patterns hidden within nature. Before you do that, you first have to observe and starts from the very effort to find those patterns in animals and plants.

Biologists are people who find patterns in animals and plants. The nature consists of plants and animals. If you observe them well, you would be able to uncover a distinctive, original pattern in all of them. A pattern is innately differentiated characteristic that every plant and animal has. In order to bring this act of observation into a field of mathematics, you have to be able to draw out those patterns. The patterns of animals and plants are very sophisticated, quite hard to realize the overarching pattern. If you can tag every pattern you find with a number or a word, you can turn the pattern into a form of an equation.

Then, the overriding pattern becomes apprehensible. As such, numbers and languages are powerful tools that mathematicians use in the process of finding the hidden pattern behind

the nature. Once we find the pattern through observation and tag them with a number or

a language, we finally have the chance to discern the pattern itself.

Numbers and languages are key features in ‘idealism’ that mathematicians support.

Physicians say the following, “If physicians do not utilize numbers and languages of mathematics, we cannot even begin to collect our thoughts.”

To simply put, idealism of mathematics is an equation. If you turn various possibilities of numbers into a language, what you’ll have in the end would be an equation.

Long sentences that contain numbers can be easily turned into an equation if you utilize

a language. There is a need to understand the saying, “The use of language has brought convenience to the field of mathematics.”

The difference between calculation and mathematics stems from this very idea.

Once you find the overriding pattern, you have to find the overarching rule. Because you have to figure out the reason why the structure of nature is created and goes extinct in order to find out the hidden pattern behind the nature. Every living organism has a consistent pattern. However, there are patterns hidden within patterns.

A pattern and its destruction always exist side by side which makes it difficult for us to pinpoint the pattern of movement. Furthermore, a pattern might be multi-dimensional which makes external detection rather difficult. There seems to be some sort of a rule inside pattern but no one can be completely sure of what that pattern is precisely.

In order to discern patterns, destruction of patterns, and patterns that appear within another pattern, people need to have higher perspective. Higher perspective can be nurtured without limit by acquiring a refined taste in the humanities.

If we can cultivate classic taste for the humanities through reading so that we can understand societies that we do not live in, we will have the ability to see the invisible, hear the inaudible and gain insights into the world we’ve never been.

The humanities is a story about people’s lives. It is about how creative people’s lives were throughout their life and how beautiful their death was when the moment came.

The humanities is about life and death. By studying the humanities, people will gain new perspectives on profound subjects such as life and death, creation and extinction, time and space and finally the past, present and the future. Therefore, they can analyze the world of patterns that impact other patterns. If people can find the hidden pattern behind nature,

they can understand the secret behind life and death of plants and animals.

They can also understand the secret to creation and extinction of the nature.

Mathematicians are people who devise a prediction mechanism to make projections on what will happen to living organisms by finding hidden patterns behind the nature. The most ideal mathematics education will enable you to cover fields of expertise in natural science such as biology, chemistry and physics.

Biologists are people who find pattern by observing the nature and draw it out. Chemists then do their job of naming those that are visible, tangible and have forms. Physicians take care of the field of power and mechanisms that explain the process all living organisms maintain to keep their unique forms.

Mathematicians are people who devise a prediction mechanism to make projections on what will happen to living organisms by finding out hidden patterns behind the nature. This is

the very reason why we call mathematics the essence of natural science.

Comprehending the world of chemistry for the structure of nature and the world of physics for power and mechanism is vital to find out hidden patterns behind the nature.

We need to also understand the world of fractals (chemistry) and the world of chaos (physics). The world of chemistry and physics always maintain a structural relationship.

At the same time, mathematicians figure out hidden patterns behind the nature by looking at both the world of chemistry and physics and speculating on what will happen to one organism and how big it will grow before it suddenly gets smaller and disappear.

2022. 10. 20

David Ann, Ph.D.