Sacred Groves of Rajasthan

 Article 10 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) acknowledge the protection and encouragement of customary biological resource use in accordance with traditional cultural practices aompatible with conservation. The approach of this book is to focus on sacred groves- the trackionally protected forest fragments and the past and present researches on this important community resource. The chapters presented in this book widely covers biological, social and economic status of the groves, threats arising out of various anthropogenic activities like overexploitation, developmental and mining activities, and encroachments of various types, and the strategies for their effective management. There are 7 chapters in the book, which initiate with background context and methods of field observation recording, followed by an overview of the sacred places, trees andgroves. The remaining chapters describe status of 123 sacred groves distributed troughout Rajasthan, biological diversity and invasions; soil characteristics and carbon status; livelihood and threats; and people perception and management strategies by accommodating the desire of grove dependent communities and level of participation of the local villagers in protecting and conserving these sacred groves. 

The ultimate objective of this publication is to equip the readers with wide ranging knowledge about the sacred groves and to promote enhanchent of grove tree cover, resilience and livelihoods of the local population and to improve the evironmental conditions of this degrading ecosystem for local, regional and global benefits. It could be useful to the policy makers, forest managers, non-government, organizations, extension agents, environmentalists as well as researchers and academician, who are involved in developing, conserving and managing community resources in benefits of local people. This book however, will be useful to both poliqy makers and researchers equally and will help in effective plannihg and transferring the knowledge in protecting and conserving the groves and promoting groves, socio-economic and ecological values.