Lightman & Moss on the Law of Administrators and Receivers of Companies
註釋Giving you the capability to draft complex wills in less than 10 minutes, for just ú7 eachWill drafting has never been simpler or more efficientExpress Wills for Scotland is a powerful yet easy to use CD which generates Wills automatically from a styles bank when you type in information on an individual client. You simply input information through an intelligent, interactive questionnaire, you then have the ability to edit and print, allowing you to complete complex personalized Wills in one easy visit.* Using a question and answer format, Express Wills for Scotland guides you through a structured questionnaire - based on your response, the software determines the next relevant question and takes you automatically to the appropriate prompt* Once the questionnaire has been completed, the system automatically drafts the appropriate Will document, drawing on a comprehensive bank of styles -* You can produce an unlimited range of Wills, of varying complexity, which meet precisely each of your clients' needs