註釋This book is a seldom-told true story of some of the law enforcement heroes. They worked long and hard in incredibly dangerous and uncomfortable situations, fighting the war on drugs, which no one but them ever expected. They started before there was a declaration of war. From personal and professional experience, they knew that this country, its people, its institutions, its economy, and its leadership in the free world were in peril. They saw the growing menace to our kids, to our schools, and even to law enforcement. Someone had to fight back with uncommon valor and dedication. More than four thousand three hundred people have been killed in the last year and a half. Police stations have been bombed, and officers have been shot and killed in police facilities. Some police officials have been kidnapped, shot gangland style, tortured, and even beheaded. Police and government officials at the highest levels have been the object of assassination and, along with their bodyguards, shot and killed. In one city, thirteen people were shot and killed in one evening and left dead in the street. In another city, sixteen people, including a twelve-year-old girl, were shot. The government sent in the military in large numbers, but the killings continued.