Ship Repair Project Manager's Guide
註釋Marine Traffic facilitates much of the world's trade; the marine traffic sector is influenced by many factors that affect its operations, development and direction.That factors such as shipbuilders, classifications societies, ship owners, ship management, ship chandlers, ship suppliers, ship operators, port & port facilities, ship agency and ship repair yards.The ship repair activities are considered the heart & the focus interest of any ship yard which are affected on marine traffic sectors as I had mentioned above.The main purpose of this guide book is to make available to all ship repair yard managements and their ship repair managers (SRM) a ready reference, Ship repair yard management should be considered the role of the ship repair managers as very important to keeping in his mind that he is the yard representative towards ship owner in the project he is handling.To assist all new ship repair managers in performing their daily activities, I have written this guide book based on my own practical work experiences, in order to guide them for a proper way of the project management in marine traffic sectors.