The Book of Eden
註釋The Book of Eden? Yes! This book is all about Genesis 2:4-3:24 where we learn about what happened in the Garden of Eden, back in the beginning. Sadly, most people think God basically cursed the woman in Genesis 3:16. Modern translations give us this impression, but in 3:16 God's 11 HEBREW WORDS TO THE WOMAN DO NOT SAY THIS! And we shouldn't either. God didn't curse the woman or the man. And, God didn't place the man over the woman. The research by Dr. Joy Fleming on Genesis 2-3 makes this clear. This is what is presented in eight chapters of The Book of Eden and in the eight episodes of Season One of The Eden Podcast by Bruce C. E. Fleming. Joy and Bruce Fleming are the co-founders of the Tru316 Foundation (Tru316.com) which is the home of The Eden Podcast.Genesis chapter 2 tells us about the creation of the human pair and God's design for marriage. Genesis chapter 3 tells us about the attack made on the couple by the serpent tempter and how each one responded. God judged the serpent tempter and the man who rebelled against him and imposed two curses. God also responded to the woman who hadn't rebelled but who had nevertheless eaten the forbidden fruit as did the man. God told the woman in 3:16 Line 1 about two actions to be taken: the curse on the ground that would result in sorrowful toil for her and the man and the personal promise to her that she would conceive and her Offspring would crush the head of her enemy. In Lines 2-4 God described for the woman what life would be like since sin and death had entered the world. People make it seem like God cursed the woman and that she somehow deserved it. She didn't. They make it seem like God instituted the man's bad behavior toward his wife. God didn't. The Bible tells us what really happened. And this book is all about what God really said especially in Genesis 3:16.