Most of the papers in this book were presented during the 9th International South Sudan and Sudan Studies Conference of the Sudan Studies Association
USA and the Sudan Studies Society UK. 150 scholars from numerous
academic disciplines, experts in conflict transformation and
development, staff of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), former and
current senior officers from ministries and military institutions from
Sudan, South Sudan, and seventeen further countries participated in the
conference. They engaged in vivid discussions on historical and recent
cleavages in the societies of Sudan and South Sudan, inequality and
exclusion in numerous variations, and on rapid social change accompanied
by urbanisation and land conflicts. The severe economic crisis
following the separation and the importance of creating political
solutions instead of using technical approaches to work on the multitude
of challenges affecting each of the two countries and the
interrelations between them were also scrutinised. The participants
intensely exchanged views and experiences on the difficulties and
successes in taking responsibility rather than being dependent on
foreign assistance. Discussions revealed strong potentials in both
societies to overcome such problems; to initiate processes of
reconciliation, and to consolidate peace. They shed light on the complex
processes of nation-building and the creation of meaningful
constitutions. This book attempts to capture at least some of this
multitude of insights and aspects that had shaped the conference.