TheQuest Healing Journal
註釋TAKING JOURNALING TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL One of Dr. Aurora Ariel's most exciting discoveries was finding that when you heal your life, you change your destiny. You do not need to reap the outcome of your family patterns or societal conditioning. You can step free and live the life you were meant for. You can fulfi ll a higher purpose rather than be relegated to a program dictated fate. When you have powerful tools like TheQuest, nothing can stop you or hold you back. The possibilities are limitless. In this Healing Journal, Dr. Ariel lays out the 7 Step Self Healing process and unveils the secret formula to gaining greater mastery over your psychology and life. She shows you how easy it is to be in control of your emotions, patterns, and addictions rather than continuously run by them, how to go from upset to peace in minutes, and how you can live more often in your Authentic Self, which is always peaceful, positive, and proactive. This is the Miracle Consciousness that allows synchronicities and magic in your life. From this vantage point, you make wise decisions and take positive action steps. When you do this, you are actualizing your full potential and fulfilling your highest destiny. This is very different than fulfilling the fate dictated by unconscious patterns, which unfortunately is the norm on Earth. By doing this inner work, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your shadow (unconscious patterns). By adding in TheQuest, taking your journaling to a whole new level and depth, this powerful Life Mastery Path can assist you in realizing your dreams and highest aspirations.