Redefining the Boundaries of Language Study
註釋The papers in this volume fall into five categories. After "Introduction: Making the Invisible Visible" (Claire Kramsch), Part 1, "Theoretical Boundaries," includes "The Metamorphosis of the Foreign Language Director, or: Waking Up to Theory" (Mark Webber) and "Subjects-in-Process: Revisioning TA Development through Psychoanalytic, Feminist, and Postcolonial Theory" (Linda M. von Hoene). Part 2, "Educational Boundaries," includes "Redefining the Boundaries of Language Use: The Foreign Language Classroom as a Multilingual Speech Community" (Carl Blyth), "Poetics to Pedagogy: The Imagistic Power of Language" (Hung-nin Samuel Cheung); and "A Framework for Investigating the Effectiveness of Study Abroad Programs" (Thom Huebner). Part 4, "Cultural Boundaries," includes "Using Ethnography to Bridge the Gap between Study Abroad and the On-Campus Language and Culture Curriculum" (Richard Jurasek) and "Searching for Averroes: Reflections on Why It is Desirable and Impossible to Teach Culture in Foreign Language Courses" (Nicolas Shumway). Part 5, "Language Learning Environments and Their Boundaries," includes "The Electronic Language Learning Environment" (James S. Noblitt) and "The Foreign Language Problem: The Governance of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning" (Peter C. Petrakis). (Papers contain references.) (SM).