Even though each individual is different in some way from every other individual, the majority of students share certain common characteristics. In a way, nature is even handed: about 3% of all children across countries, races, religions and cultures are 'special'. The term being used refer to those who deviate from what is supposed to be average in physical, mental, emotional or social characteristics to such an extent that they require special educational services in order to develop to their maximum capacity. These specials arrive on earth with their unique gifts but mainstream life has little time for them and considers them a problem because they have some special needs. The term Special Needs is a short form of Special Education Needs and is a way to refer to students with disability. In the education setting the term Special Needs comes into play whenever a child's education program is officially altered from what would normally be provided to students through an Individual Education Plan which is sometimes referred to as an Individual Program plan. Special need is a term used in clinical diagnostic and functional development to describe individuals who require assistance for disabilities that may be medical, mental, or psychological.