The Silver Dragon of Tinseltown

What better place for a silver dragon than the silver screen?

Being a dragon rider has a lot of privileges, but longevity isn’t one of them. If the jocust beetles or the whiptail wyverns or a long fall from a great height didn't get them, the clock always would. The last thing Oscar Merrick wants is to delay his government-mandated retirement, but when his friend Jimmy comes to him with an outrageous idea to make the first talkie with an actual dragon in it, Oscar can’t resist his friend’s starry-eyed pleading or his dragoncoat’s bubbling excitement. After all, a few weeks’ delay in Baltimore before heading to the mines of West Virginia won’t be the end of the world, right?

With the entertainment industry shifting from movies to talkies, silver screen star Scarlett Owens can no longer hide her deep voice or her Appalachian accent. Dropped by her agent and faced with retirement, Scarlett jumps at the chance to act in a new talkie—even if the crazy director wants her to star alongside a frightfully scary metal dragon.

Once on set, Oscar and Scarlett find themselves pushed together in ways they never expected—and not minding it nearly as much as each would have thought. Can the duo produce a successful talkie, and also use it to keep them both from their all-too-early retirements? Or will industry jealousies and salacious secrets from their pasts force them apart forever?