Green Guide
A User's Guide to Sustainable Development for Canadian Colleges
出版National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 1992-01-01
註釋This guide provides an overview of the steps involved in creating an environmentally sustainable college. In drawing together reports from members of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) which have taken various initiatives to "green" their campuses, it focuses on the principles, strategies, and goals which underlie the objective of reducing or eliminating the negative impact such institutions may have on the environment. The guide is organized into four chapters: (1) "A Green Vision" is an attempt to portray one image of what a future "green college" might be like; (2) "Institutional Greening" includes contributions which describe the process of transition to more environmentally sensitive college/institute operations, mandates, policies, management styles, and organizational characteristics; (3) "Case Studies" draws together reports from member institutions striving to come to grips with environmental challenges; and (4) "Tools" identifies resources and provides practical tools (includes samples of environmental audits, fiscal planning tools and payback calculation models for specific interventions, a directory of environment sector training programs, and a directory of environmental organizations). (LZ)