OISE/UT Evaluation of the Implementation of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies. Summary: First annual report
出版Department for Education and Employment, 2000
註釋The National Literacy and the National Numeracy Strategies (NLNS) are part of the British government's major education reform initiative, an attempt to significantly raise standards of achievement in schools. This report is a summary of the first annual report from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) external evaluation of NLNS in England. This evaluation focuses on the implementation and the impact of the NLNS, with three key areas: obstacles or barriers to implementation; successes and weaknesses; and the emerging infrastructure, addressed from the perspective of four levels of the education system: national, local education authorities (LEA), school and classroom. This work supplements the evaluation being carried out by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) whose focus is the impact of the two strategies on the teaching and learning of English and mathematics in the primary phase. (PM).