The Army's Local Economic Effects
Christopher M. Schnaubelt
Rand Corporation
, 2015
Business & Economics / Econometrics
Business & Economics / Economics / Macroeconomics
Business & Economics / Development / Economic Development
History / Military / General
Political Science / Public Policy / Economic Policy
Technology & Engineering / Military Science
"This report presents findings on the economic activity supported by total Army spending in each of the 435 congressional districts in fiscal years 2012-2014. To estimate this activity, researchers used district-level input-output (I/O) models and a national-level I/O model known as IMPLAN. Each district-level model is used to estimate the direct, indirect, and induced effects of national-level Army spending that affects a particular district. In this context, direct effects are the total Army spending within a district; indirect and induced effects represent the local economic activity that supports both the direct spending and the in-district demand generated from Army spending outside the district. Indirect effects capture interindustry linkages, while induced effects capture the effects of household incomes. For each congressional district, this report provides the following estimates: Direct Army spending (including military and government civilian payroll and retiree pay for Regular Army, Army National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve, plus acquisition and services contracts); All Army employment (including military and government civilian personnel for Regular Army, Army National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve, including soldiers not on active duty); Additional economic output generated by direct Army spending; Additional jobs created by direct Army spending; Army-driven economic output (direct plus indirect and induced spending); All Army employment plus estimated additional jobs resulting from total Army direct spending and indirect effects"--Rand website.