One God Raping Another
註釋Since time immemorial, we human beings have wondered about our true nature .Who are we? Why are we here on planet earth? What is our origin and how we are going to end this 'life drama' that we find ourselves in? What purpose is being served by living our life? Whose purpose, by the way?We are always in pursuit of happiness, which more often than not, appears just as a chimera! We find ourselves amidst the world full of temptations which induce unending desire to have it, to own it, with a promise of finding happiness at the end of horizon. And it is this very 'happiness' that is eluding us all our life. This is one side of our existence.The other side is, in this cut throat competition of pursuit of happiness and to gain control over other human beings, we have created a society and circumstances that we ourselves are ashamed of and worried about. Comity of wealthy nations are oppressing weak nations, all nations are defiling and destroying 'Mother Nature', Powerful human beings are humiliating powerless human beings. Result: Loss of dignity and self worth.What do we call all this? Isn't this, 'Rape', all along? In our society, we see serious loss of ethics, love, loyalty and humanity. We are such a hypocrite society, in which we look at our own mother and sister differently at home and as soon as we are at street, our view changes. We start X-Raying other people's sister and mothers. Our cities have become so unsafe for our women. Every minute, scores of women are literally being raped .And who is responsible for all this? Who is doing all this? Well, blame it on 'We ourselves!'So, here we realize that on one hand, we belong to glorious past where Vedanta proclaim that we are but the God incarnate ,in another word, God ourselves, and on the other hand ; we ourselves are demeaning and defiling one another ! Verily, a clear case of 'One God Raping Another' !.But why are we doing all this? Why is 'One God Raping Another'?Well, it is because; we have forgotten our true nature. Forgotten who we really are ! Shakespeare had said 'The whole world is a stage and we all are actors enacting our roles in the whole world'One should ask oneself .Is it so? Does one consider oneself an actor and whatever occurring around, a drama? Whose drama? Who is the director?In reel drama, we can go and meet the movie directors !But what about this real life drama? Don't we ever wish to meet our director? Are we comfortable enacting our part willingly without knowing the real motive behind the plot? Doesn't the real script of our life worries us and we feel like meeting architect and director of our fate and changing the course of its script, its flow?Don't the unpleasant things happening around disturb us? Don't we ever wish to find the answer as to why all this is happening?Well, only if we care about these things then this book will be of use to us. It tells the story of Jai and Anu who were worried and disturbed about these questions and then they decided to do something about it. And tried they have and endeavored to bring society to a cusp, to a point where there would be an advent of 'Humanity spiritualism', a new dawn of awakening about the true nature of Self and God.Who will benefit?-> Persons who wonder about and want to understand life ,its meaning and purpose-> Wanderlust souls aiming to end their human journey and attain 'Nirvana' by gaining real Insights-> Enquirer about 'Why One God is Raping Another'?-> Persons worried about social injustice -> Persons who wants to bring in an era where 'One God Loves Another'?