Die Paderborner Juden 1802-1945
Emanzipazion, Integration und Vernichtung : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Juden in Westfalen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
出版Verein für Geschichte an der Universität-GH-Paderborn, 1988
註釋Discusses the history of the Jewish community of Paderborn (Westphalia) from the 19th century until its destruction by the Nazi regime. Notes that up to their emancipation in 1865, Jews were liable to special taxes and restrictions on their residence rights and choice of profession. In 1817 a report was produced by the "Stadtdirektor" attacking Jewish usury; legislation against usury followed in 1836. In 1843, pamphlets against the emancipation of the Jews appeared. After 1870 the local press and the Bonifacius Druckerei published anti-Jewish material. The outcome of World War I brought a revival of antisemitism, including desecration of synagogues and cemeteries. Ch. 4 (pp. 257-353) deals with the persecution and extermination of the 71 remaining Jews of Paderborn in the Nazi period. 24 orphans from the Jewish orphanage were also deported.