You are creative because you exist.
This book is here to remind you that the revival of your primal and divine creative fire is just one breath away.
The world is a tapestry of art and beauty, creation itself is continually painting with the world as her canvas, you are both an instrument of creation and creation itself embodied. Tuning into your creative power fills your view of the world with more radiant colour while bringing more juice into your daily life, work, relationships, and connection to your true essence.
Follow your creative impulse into the pages of this book to explore every facet of your life as the beautiful work of art it innately is.
Explored within this book
- Just how sacred your creative impulse is and how to fully reconnect with this sacred part of your inner world.
- That the world is your muse to find inspiration and art in, to fuel your own inspired state of mind. How playfulness and taking life less seriously makes way for your art to flow through you with great ease.
- Tuning into the divine tempo of your creativity and how this connects you to the rhythm of the universe, where divine synchronicity is commonplace through your life.
- The sacred codes and lessons your womb holds about creation and life. The womb we explore here is your energetic womb and the cosmic womb.
- How creative ideas take an energetic journey through your body in preparation to be born into the world.
- The spectrum of your human existence and how your primal emotions, pleasure, pain, and all that you experience is sacred fuel for your art.
- Liberation and freedom through your creativity.
- How your life is your greatest work of art.
Connect with Rachel White @byrachelwhite and