Consumption and Market Value for the Fish Product in Romania
註釋The present analysis represents an evolutive investigation of the total value and the average purchase price for the main fishes grown in Romania. The evolution of total production in the analysed interval reveals the existence of a two- dimensional discrepancy concerning the quantities of fish, shellfish, cockles, etc. Nation-scale observations identified both declining trends and a moderate increase rate. The increase trend during the analysed years also applies to the total value, as well as to the price rendered as a weighted average. Fluctuations also occur, and they can be regarded as significant increase or decrease, in each particular case. Common carp, seen as the main fishing species in Romania, shows an ascending trend along the years, but also a ceiling price. Its price rises at a higher rate than its quality and value. Concerning the other species, there are variations both in the quantity and the value, together with multiple trends in their pricing: descending for the silver carp, moderate increase bighead carp and golden carp, and very strong trends for the trout.