Fuel-burning Technology Alternatives for the Army
E. Thomas Pierce
Edward C. Fox
John F. Thomas
Fox, Edward C.
John Foster Thomas
Thomas, John F.
US Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
, 1985
This report provides technical descriptions and cost estimates for approximately 50 combustion technologies. The fuels considered include natural gas, coal, distillate and residual oil, biomass fuels (wood, waste and densified refuse-derived fuel), and electricity. The technologies are selected to represent a variety of equipment, using a number of fuels over a wide range of output capacities. The emphasis is on new stream boiler houses within 10 to 250 MBtu/hr output capacity. Smaller forced air furnaces below 500,000 Btu/hr are also included. The cost estimates are developed from vendor estimates, published reports, and in-house or contractor documents. They encompass typical size ranges for each selected technology, and include both capital and operation and maintenance expenses. Estimates also are given for useful lifetime, annual efficiency, multiple fuel capability, and reliability. The major goal of this work unit is to provide background data to support future revisions of the Army policy documents that pertain to fuels selection. Of course, Army fuels policy is a headquarters prerogative. Keywords include: Military facilities and costs.