Edict concerning salaries and allowances of military officers serving overseas in America and the Philippines
註釋Copy of an edict, dated July 21, 1812 in Cádiz, circulated by Ramón González, director general of the Dirección General de Ultramar by order of the War Office, concerning payment of salaries of military officers serving overseas in America or the Philippines. Due to Spain's financial difficulties, all possible cost-saving measures must be implemented. Royal orders of Feb. 29, 1764 and Aug. 31, 1805 are revoked. The order of April 16, 1792 is also revoked, except for the provision that officers be paid their current salary until the day of their embarcation to America or Asia, on which day they begin to draw the salary of their future destinations. The new rule specifies that when these officers are recalled to Spain, their present salaries are terminated, and they are paid only that to which they are entitled based on their military rank. Those officers recalled to Spain must depart at the earliest possible opportunity, or face loss of salary during travel time. Once they have arrived in Spain, their salaries will commence again, although a portion of the money will be deducted to compensate for the time of any voluntary delay. Furthermore, interim brigadiers and generals will not be assigned to a position of same or greater salary, and interim colonels and lower-ranking officers will be given positions as staff assistants in regiments or garrisons.