Sabine Lucas
, 2005-04
Have we lived past lives? If so, can those lives reveal themselves in our dreams? "Bloodlines of the Soul" is a dazzling account of lifetimes recovered from the unconscious to instruct and inspire dreamers in search of self-knowledge. In this groundbreaking work, Sabine Lucas discloses the process of discovering her own many past lives as women and men from several historical ages and backgrounds. In a brilliant synthesis, she connects the crucial soul lessons learned from those lifetimes with important turning points in her present lifetime. The second half of the book is devoted to four remarkable case studies that range over many centuries and landscapes, including the life of a Native American in the Old West, a soldier in revolutionary Russia, a compassionate Nazi camp matron at Dachau, a hapless emperor of Mexico, a ruthless Viking, King Richard the Lion-Hearted, and dozens of other fascinating lives. Through these many colorful life stories, Dr. Lucas weaves her fundamental thesis, that we not only live many times over, but we also carry karma earned or levied upon us from one lifetime to another. It is a message that carries tremendous responsibility--and opportunities for healing--for the individual. Professional therapists will find here a wealth of information on the healing process through dream work. Lay readers will discover the thrill of uncovering the mysteries of the psyche. Both emotionally engaging and intellectually satisfying, this book is a major contribution to the literature of dreams and of inner exploration by a distinguished Jungian psychotherapist--and masterful storyteller. Joseph Dispenza is the author of "The Way of the Traveler," "Live Better Longer," and ten other books. He is the co-founder of LifePath Retreats in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.