A Call to Reform
註釋To say today's political climate is polarized is an understatement. To be concerned about the direction of the country is more than understandable. We can most likely all agree our country needs improvement and it will take Americans of all areas of the spectrum to come up with ideas and actions needed to get us back on track.A Call To Reform is an easy read that offers an understanding of how Americans once pulled together new ideas and fought for the ability to create a country we all know and love. A country that celebrates freedom, human rights, civil liberties, groundbreaking legal concepts, and a federal government structure that allows for continuous improvement.Most importantly, A Call To Reform encourages Americans to get involved in the improvement process. It offers reform ideas for modernization while maintaining the unique and special culture the United States has been able to build. It is an inspiration for discussion to put in motion changes that can once again make us a leader of the world just as our Founding Fathers did centuries ago.