David HaMelekh
註釋Although King David was a warrior and military leader, this book steers away from that "crusader" often Christological model and paints a portrait of King David as a faithful dedicated servant of the Rabbinic Sanhedrin, while it does show via the neveim that David still represents also the hoped for messianic eschatological scion. The book not only highlights key moments in David's life such as his shepherding his father Yishai's flocks making training him as a prerequisite to shepherd the people of Israel later, David's being chosen out of left field and anointing by the prophet Shmuel who looks through David's beautiful eyes, as the windows of the soul to glimpse an elevated neshama. David's slaying of Goliath against all odds proclaiming while you come before me with sword, spear, and javelin, but i come before you in the name of the "L-rd of hosts"...

"This book was complied for strictly educational purposes, torah lishma, pro bonum."