Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Sustainability of Tropical Agriculture
African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Conference
, 1992-10-27
Science / Life Sciences / Horticulture
Technology & Engineering / Agriculture / General
Technology & Engineering / Agriculture / Tropical Agriculture
Technology & Engineering / Chemical & Biochemical
Biological nitrogen fixation in tropical agrosystems: Twenty years of biological nitrogen fixation research in Africa. Sustainable agriculture: Definition and measurement. Nitrogen-fixing systems. Biological nitrogen fixation systems in tropical ecosystems: An overview. A protocol for screening legumes as soil-improving crops. The sustenance of tropical agriculture with multipurpose Azolla. Facteurs pedoclimatiques limitant la fixation biologique de l'azote chez les legumineuses. Response of some tropical nitrogen-fixing woody legumes to drought and inoculation with mycorrhiza. Improvement of the Phaseolus/Rhizobium symbiosis, with particular reference to the Caribbean region. Effect of pest management systems on biological nitrogen fixation. Effect of Rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus on growth and nitrogen fixation in tree legumes grown on highland Vertisols. Management of soil microbial populations to optimize tree establishment and growth, with particular reference to nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Agronomic evaluation of a rock phosphate as a phosphorus source for Leucaena leucocephala grown on an Ultisol. Early growth and symbiotic properties of three woody legumes grown on a sandy soil in south-western Nigeria. Response of soybean to inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria. Nodulation of soybean grown under field conditions and inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains. Effect of fertilization and Rhizobium inoculation on the growth of Leucaena and Gliricidia on an alfisol in south-western Nigeria. Early growth and nodulation in Leucaena and Gliricidia and the effects of pruning on biomass productivity. Comparative study on the growth and productivity of Sesbania and Leucaena in the Central Plateau region, Rwanda. Biotechnology and modelling in nitrogen fixation. Supernodulation and non-nodulation mutants of soybean. Croissance des racines adventives de Sesbania rostrata: Applications a la multiplication vegetative de la plante. Genetically improved rhizobia and their use in agriculture. Adaptation of more efficient soybean and cowpea rhizobia to replace established populations. Predicting the persistence of introduced Bradyrhizobium japonicum in tropical soils. Useful models to predict response to legume inoculation. Measurement and socioeconomic impact of nitrogen fixation. Estimation of biological nitrogen fixation by three legume tree species using the 15N dilution method. Estimating nitrogen fixation in Leucaena and Gliricidia using different 15N labelling methods. Measuring nitrogen fixed by groundnut varieties in Senegal using 15N techniques. Effect of Rhizobium and Rhizobium/Glomus inoculation on nitrogen fixation in bambara groundnut. Selection of soybean cultivars for a mixed cropping system in Nigeria using the 15N dilution technique. Measuring inputs from nitrogen fixation in multiple cropping systems. Estimation of symbiotically fixed nitrogen using extended N difference methods. The economic of using legumes in cropping systems. An exploratory survey of soybean production in Ayepe, Nigeria. Inoculation des legumineuses en milieu tropical: Recherche, developpement et aspects economiques. Sustainability of nitrogen-fixing cropping systems. Nodulation and nitrogen fixation and transfer in a cowpea/rice cropping system. The role of legumes in sustaining soil productivity and controlling soil erosion. Nitrogen contribution of woody legumes in alley cropping systems. L'azote dans les systemes de culture du nord e du centre de la Cote d'Ivoire. Fitting soil-improving legumes into inland valley rice-based cropping systems in West Africa. Five years of research on improved fallow in the semi-arid highlands of Rwanda. Use of legume biological nitrogen fixation in crop/livestock production systems. Role de la fixation de l'azote par l'arachide dans l'amelioration durable de la fertilite azotee d'un sol sableaux tropical par l'amendment calcique et organique. Utilisation de Sesbania rostrata et Crotalaria juncea comme engrais verts sur le mais. Herbage yield and soil fertility restoration potential of some tropical forage legumes. Effect of fallow and residue management practices on biomass production, weed suppression and soil productivity.