The Parish Churches of Loudoun and their Clergy up to 1845 Pt2
註釋The Parish Churches of Loudoun and their Clergy up to 1845, is a two-part history of the Loudoun Parish Churches, from the existence of the 12th century Loudoun Kirk covered in Part 1 to the transference of the parish church to Newmilns in Part 2. This book, Part 2 deals with the Parish Church in Newmilns and the various clergy and their service as ministers. The parish church moved from Loudoun Kirk, just outside Galston to the centre of Newmilns due to the shift in population, thanks to the increased industry in weaving and the resultant need to tend to the spiritual needs of the parish closer to the community. The book is historically factual but it still portrays what life was like at that time, living under the umbrella of the 'kirk session' with some quite amusing quotes.