Gabrielis Biel sacre theosophie lice[n]tiati nostre te[m]pestatis p[ro]fundissimi: sacri canonis misse tum mystica tu[m] literalis expositio
iamia[m] summa dilige[n]tia iterum atq[ue] iteru[m] reuisa et correcta; no[n] paucis quod facile erit deprehe[n]dere ad sup[er]iores impressio[n]es adiectis
出版Iohannes Clein, 1517
註釋Commentary on the canon of the mass, written by Gabriel Biel, co-founder of the University of Tübingen where he taught and considered by some the last of the great scholastic theologians. The work was first published in 1488, but was reprinted numerous times.