Voices of Madmen
Essays on Mountains and Mountaineering
出版Bowling Green State University, 1986
註釋This study deals with the literary sub-genre called Mountain Literature and particularly the mountaineering essay. It takes the form of anthology which includes essays by ten major climber/writers: Sir Leslie Stephen, G.W. Young, G. Gervasutti, Sir John Hunt, Woodrow Wilson Sayre, A.F. Mummery, Maurice Herzog, Doug Scott, Arlene Blum and David Roberts. The essays of these climber/writers are presented in chronological order with the exception of A.F. Mummery's essay "The Pleasures and Penalties of Mountaineering." Following the normal chronology, it would appear early on with the essays of Stephen and Young, but because of the progressive ideas regarding the growth and direction of the sport of mountaineering it appears as the concluding chapter. Each primary essay by one of the above-mentioned authors is preceded by a short biography and followed by a careful critical examination. The criteria for each critical essay are explained in the long introduction. This introduction provides an overview of mountain literature in general, including a brief history of the psychology, philosophy and literary ramifications of mountains and mountain writing. The explanation of the critical ideas is noted by three sub-headings i. e. Psychology, Philosophy and Poetry. This work illustrates quite clearly the deep literary quality found in mountain writing through the philosophical and psychological insights of the climber/writer.