Zou Ji Looked in the Mirror (Simplified Chinese Reading Comprehension, Level 1, Chinese-English Bilingual )
註釋(This book is with free audio book, and also readable on iPad and tablets. )Zou Ji ,lived in the Warring States Period (476 BC ~ 221 BC) , had always been thinking that he was the most handsome guy in the world. However, one day he heard someone saying: "There is a scarce handsome man named Xu Gong living in the north of the city..." Zou Ji was very unconvinced. Zou Ji's wife, concubine and people seeking his refuge all said that he was more handsome than Xu Gong, but when he met Xu Gong, he found that Xu Gong was much more handsome than him. Why ? Xu Gong wanted to know why they lied to him. J.SHUTONG : Four steps to improve Chinese reading skills.Step 1 : Listening *Dictation exerciseStep 2 : Reading *Chinese-English BilingualStep 3 : Activities *Group discussion *Multiple-choice questions (40) *AnswersStep 4 : Ask Answers: 1~10DBCBC BADDC11~20AADAD CAAAD21~30CBBBA ADABB31~40CBBDA BADAD-----------------------------汉语阅读理解, 有声书中文閱讀理解, 有聲書中国の読解電子書籍、オーディオブックChinesische Leseverständnis eBook, HörbuchChinois compréhension de lecture de livres électroniques, livres audioChino eBook comprensión de la lectura , Libro de audioChinese reading comprehension eBook, audio book