Finding Guide to the California Indian Library Collections: Sound recording data: indexes to "Kneeling guide" sound recordings, sorted by performer and audio tape number; and "Rodriguez-Nieto guide" sound recordings, sorted by title
註釋This material is a compilation of the California Indian Library Collections found in 18 northern and two central California county libraries. The California Indian Library Collections (CILC) was established in 1988. It is located at the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology (formerly the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology), University of California at Berkeley. In an effort to make collections of Indian materials more accessible to the general public and to native Californians, the Hearst Museum formed an alliance with the California State Library. After surverying all of the archives at the University of California at Berkeley, small archives for each county library were extracted from the University holdings. Each county archive reflects the culture of tribes which live or lived in that area.